Day: May 5, 2019
Alex Jones – CNN Claims Trump is Evil For Tweeting This Video
InfoWars against Facebook bun – Is Trump Evil? Video without edition from
Big tech has launched an attack on your rights – free speech….
Social media censorship goes into overdrive. Facebook cracking down on ‘controversial’ people – Zuckerberg – wants shout down free speech ? Without free speech no democracy. Fox News video
The Real Adam Smith: Ideas That Changed The World – Full Video
The Real Adam Smith: A Personal Exploration by Johan Norberg, takes an intriguing, two-part look at Smith and the evolution and relevance of his ideas today, both economic and ethical. It’s difficult to imagine that a man who lived with horse drawn carriages and sailing ships would foresee our massive 21st century global market exchange,…
Dan Gable and Lex Fridman : Wrestling
Art of the Fight – Russian and Americans Wrestling Since Dan Gable is one of the greatest Olympic athletes of all time. Bigger than records and medals, to millions, he is a symbol of guts, spirit, mental toughness, and relentless hard work. As a wrestler, Dan Gable was undefeated in high school. Undefeated in college…
10 Japanese Vending Machine That Will Blow Your Mind – Crazy Russian Hacker video
Crazy Russian Hacker video. Safety number one priority !CRAZY RUSSIAN HACKER P.O. Box 49 Waynesville, NC 28786 NEW YORK MIDTOWN TRIBUNE NEWS POLITICS BUSINESS SOCIETY CRIME CULTURE USA