Day: March 3, 2016
Part 4 of the Fox News GOP presidential debate in Detroit Fox News Fox News Subs. Video
Candidates challenge one another’s personal records at the #GOPDebate. New York Fox News video 2016. MIDTOWN MANHATTAN VIDEO SEARCH NEW YORK TRIBUNE
Donald Trump reacts to the GOP debate in Detroit. Video Fox News
GOP front-runner Donald Trump on the GOP debate and the race for nomination on ‘The O’Reilly Factor’. New York Fox News Video 2016. MIDTOWN MANHATTAN NEW YORK TRIBUNE
Brewer on Trump vs. Romney, why she supports Donald. Fox News video Former Arizona governor goes ‘On the Record’ on Romney-Trump feud, why she has endorsed ‘The Donald’. Fox News video New York 2016. MIDTOWN MANHATTAN NEW YORK TRIBUNE
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference. NYC Mayor’s Office video
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference,. Irish Consulate 345 Park Avenue Manhattan NY March 3, 2016 video MIDTOWN MANHATTAN NEW YORK TRIBUNE
What Aubrey McClendon’s Death Means for the DOJ Investigation
Bloomberg’s Tina Davis explains what the death of former Chesapeake CEO Aubrey McClendon means for the Justice Department’s investigation. She speaks with Bloomberg’s Alix Steel and Scarlet Fu on “What’d You Miss?” Bloomberg Business video 2016 MIDTOWN MANHATTAN NEW YORK TRIBUNE
The Morning After Super Tuesday The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
When the dust settled on Super Tuesday, Donald Trump was the GOP’s clear winner, against the GOP’s every desperate wish. The Late Show with Stephen Colbert video 2016 MIDTOWN MANHATTAN VIDEO SEARCH NEW YORK TRIBUNE
Billionaires 2016: The Youngest In The World. Forbes video
The 7 youngest billionaires are all under 30, but most of them aren’t self-made. Forbes video 2016. MIDTOWN MANHATTAN NEW YORK TRIBUNE
2 Trump Girls: Meeting The Donald’s Super Fans, Diamond And Silk. VICE News video
“Diamond and Silk” have taken their popular YouTube channel to the campaign trail, “stumping for Trump” across the country. Former Democrats, the North Carolina duo switched their allegiances when Trump announced his candidacy, and hope to convince other Democrats to do the same. VICE News spoke with the sisters at the Trump headquarters in Greenville,…
Hulk Hogan Sues Gawker Over Sex Tape. ABC News video
The former WWE wrestler Hulk Hogan is suing Gawker for posting a video of his having sex with the then-wife of his former best friend. Video ABC NEWS 2016. MIDTOWN MANHATTAN NEW YORK TRIBUNE
3 Black Students Face Charges After Alleged Racial Bus Fight. ABC News video
The three University of Albany students claimed they were attacked because of their race but police say the surveillance video tells a different story. ABC NEWS video 2016 . MIDTOWN MANHATTAN NEW YORK TRIBUNE
U.S. entrepreneur says Trump’s China tariffs are a b… CNNMoney video
One U.S. businessman says Donald Trump’s idea to slap tariffs on Chinese goods wouldn’t help the American consumer one bit. CNNMoney video news 2016. MIDTOWN MANHATTAN NEW YORK TRIBUNE