Day: August 12, 2016
Mark Normand Performs Stand-Up. The Late Show with Stephen Colbert video
Comedian Mark Normand thinks being an adult is hard, and you can tell by the abbreviations: OMG becomes DMV. MIDTOWN MANHATTAN NEWS VIDEO DIGEST NEW YORK USA NEWS – NIGHT LIFE BUSINESS CRIMINALS , CULTURE , POLITICS, HUMOR
America’s top retailers in trouble. Video
Macy’s is closing more stores. It’s the latest sign of how tough it is for companies like JCPenney, Sears and Kohl’s to compete with Amazon and bargain retailers. Video CNN Money News. MIDTOWN MANHATTAN NEWS VIDEO DIGEST NEW YORK USA NEWS – NIGHT LIFE BUSINESS CRIMINALS , CULTURE , POLITICS, HUMOR
NYS Grown & Certified. Video NY Gov. Cuomo
New York State Grown & Certified is the first statewide, multi-faceted food certification program designed to strengthen consumer confidence in New York products, address food product labeling, and assist New York farmers so they can take advantage of the growing market demand for foods locally grown and produced to a higher standard. MIDTOWN MANHATTAN NEWS…