Day: May 10, 2017
Mayor de Blasio Presides Over Bill Signing Ceremony
Mayor de Blasio Presides Over Bill Signing Ceremony Blue Room City Hall New York, NY 10007 NYC Mayor’s Office official video MIDTOWN TRIBUNE NEWS DIGEST MANHATTAN NEW YORK USA
Mayor de Blasio Speaks at Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance’s Annual Conference. NYC Mayor’s Office
Mayor de Blasio delivers keynote remarks at the Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance’s annual waterfront conference. Hudson River Park Pier 40, 353 West Street. NYC Mayor’s Office official video MIDTOWN TRIBUNE NEWS DIGEST MANHATTAN NEW YORK USA
A mini-drone in every soldier’s pocket?
AeroVironment has developed a tiny drone that soldiers could carry with them on a mission. The idea is to give them eyes in the sky before they put themselves in harms way. MIDTOWN TRIBUNE NEWS DIGEST MANHATTAN NEW YORK USA