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Day: October 22, 2023

  • NYC Mayor Eric Adams Emergency Executive Order 510 October 22, 2023

    NYC Mayor Eric Adams Emergency Executive Order 510 October 22, 2023

    WHEREAS, over the past several months, thousands of asylum seekers have been arriving in New York City, from the Southern border, without having any immediate plans for shelter; and WHEREAS, the City now faces an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that requires it to take extraordinary measures to meet the immediate needs of the asylum seekers while…

  • New York City. Eric Adams  Emergency Executive Order N511 October 22, 2023

    New York City. Eric Adams Emergency Executive Order N511 October 22, 2023

    WHEREAS, on September 2, 2021, the federal monitor in the Nunez use-of-force class action stated steps must be taken immediately to address the conditions in the New York City jails; and WHEREAS, on June 14, 2022, the federal court in Nunez approved the Nunez Action Plan, which “represents a way to move forward with concrete measures now to address the ongoing…