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Free Classes NYPL

MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015
10 a.m. Advanced MS Word 2010

Explore more advanced features of Microsoft Word 2010. Topics include mail merge, tables, text boxes, headers and footers, footnotes and endnotes. Prerequisite: MS Word 2010 for Beginners

Riverside Library Adults
10 a.m. iPad Basics

This course will cover some basic features of the iPad. Learn the hardware, some settings, navigation and app basics. Workshop will begin at 10:00 a.m. Computers are provided but you can bring your own too. NOTE: Monday computer classes now begin at 10 am, not 11 am.
St. George Library Center, TechConnect Lab Adults,
10 a.m. Cree su propia página web Parte 2 – Create your own website (Spanish)

De los primeros pasos para crear su propia página web.
Parkchester Library, Computer Lab Adults
10 a.m. Google Series: Gmail

Learn how Gmail works, sign up for a free email account, and learn about sending, replying to forwarding messages and attachments.

Chatham Square Library Adults
10 a.m. Open Lab – Computer Basics

Need basic computer skills? Are you having trouble with your email? Don’t know how to cut and paste? Curious about Facebook? Bring your technology questions and get one-on-one assistance!
Tompkins Square Library, First Floor Adults
10 a.m. Open Lab

Need an extra computer appointment? Then come down to West Farms Library and use our laptops!
West Farms Library Adults
10 a.m. Intro to Acting

“Intro to Acting” – Designed for anyone who wants to learn more about acting. An overview of the acting profession is explored, along w/ the tools and techniques it takes to make it this profession. We will examine how the industry works and how actors get started, such a what ‘Type’ you are? Whether a leading man/woman type, or are you more of a character type? Being a very visual industry, students will not only share how they see themselves, but recognize how others perceive them as well.…
Morris Park Library Adults
10 a.m. Money Matters: Sesiones de coaching

Estas sesiones son gratuitas y confidenciales, y le ayudarán a aprender asuntos financieros de manera personalizada. El programa Money Matters es totalmente flexible—usted decide qué necesita y puede seleccionar los talleres y sesiones de coaching en la combinación que mejor le funcione. No hay necesidad de llevar consigo ni de mostrar información privada. El servicio de sesiones individuales de coaching le puede ayudar a hacer un plan para: Establecer metas financieras Crear un presupuesto…
New Dorp Library Adults,
10 a.m. Clases de computacion privadas / Free private computer classes

Si desea aprender a navegar el internet obtener un correo electrónico con Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail. O desea ayuda con tu Facebook, Skype, Oovoo, Tableta personal, Laptop, Nook.Puede llamar a la biblioteca de Hunt’s Point Library y preguntar por Caroline, para las clase privada tiene que llamar y hacer una cita. Las clases son por una hora solamente Tenemos clases privada en la mañana t en la tarde.,usted elige la hora y el dia que usted quiere tomar las clases privada. Do you need help with…

Hunts Point Library Adults,
10 a.m. The Broadway Hackathon

New York Public Library and Masie Productions invite hackers, creative thinkers and Broadway fans to join us for the first New York City Broadway Hackathon at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts on May 11th and 12th. Register now to reserve your spot and help shape the event! We will provide meals, coffee, WiFi, and access to Broadway-related data from the archives of the library. Participants will be invited to design and develop apps and prototypes that will : Leverage the…
New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center Adults
10:15 a.m. Open Lab

Are you having trouble with your email? Don’t know how to cut and paste? Curious about Twitter? Bring your technology questions and get one-on-one assistance!
Eastchester Library Adults
10:15 a.m. Open Computer lab

The Computer lab is open for public use
Morningside Heights, Computer Classroom Adults
10:30 a.m. Canceled
Open Lab

Are you having trouble with your email? Don’t know how to cut and paste? Curious about Twitter? Bring your technology questions and get one-on-one assistance!

Throg’s Neck Library Adults,
11 a.m. Knitting and Crochet. Spuyten Duyvil Library Adults
11 a.m. Tech Connect

Have a question about your email attachments? Need to know how to configure itunes? How can I upload pictures to facebook? Where can I find a good laptop for basic emailing? Come in and ask at the front desk for tech help. Staff available throughout the day if you need assistance.
High Bridge Library Adults,
Book Lovers,
Infant (0-18 months),
Toddlers (18-36 months),
Pre-schoolers (3-5 years),
School Age (5-12 years),
College & Graduate Students,
English Language Learners,
Job Seekers,
NYPL Supporters,
Persons with Disabilities,
Persons Without Homes,
Early Childhood Educators,
K-12 Educators,
College/Graduate School Educators,
Teens/Young Adults (13-18 years),
Young Adults/Pre GED (16-24 years),
11 a.m. Advanced MS Excel 2010

Explore more advanced features of Microsoft Excel 2010. Topics include using formulas and functions, data sorting and conditional formatting.
St. Agnes Library Adults
11 a.m. NYPL Tech Connect: Email for Beginners (English)

Learn how email works, sign up for a free email account, and learn about sending, replying to, forwarding messages and attachments.

Castle Hill Library
11 a.m. One on One Resume Workshop

This hands-on class will guide you through formatting your resume in Microsoft Word. Please bring a written draft of your resume and a USB drive to save and/or print your resume.

Port Richmond Library Adults,
College & Graduate Students,
Job Seekers,
Teens/Young Adults (13-18 years),
Young Adults/Pre GED (16-24 years)
11 a.m. Roaring Chorus

Learn the Basics of Singing and Enjoy Building Music Skills in a Choral Workshop with Staten Island’s Musical Chairs Ensemble.

Richmondtown Library Adults,
11 a.m. Stay Well Exercise

Join us for a FREE, fun Stay Well exercise session. Stay Well volunteers certified by the NYC’s Department for the aging will lead participants in a well-balanced series of exercises for seniors of all ability levels. Please wear loose comfortable clothing. Exercise equipment will be provided. All participants are required to sign a Physical Activity Consent/Release at the beginning of the class.
67th Street Library Adults,
11 a.m. Adult Tech Lab

For one hour: -Free computer time for the duration of the program! -Practice your skills from a previous class or learn how to use the mouse and keyboard if you are new to computers. **Feel free to ask brief questions!

67th Street Library Adults
11:15 a.m. Knit-and-Crochet Along

Are you interested in knitting or crochet, and hope to find a fun group to knit or crochet with on a regular basis? We have the group for you! Our Knit and Crochet Along group will be testing different patterns and attempting various techniques. Join us as we test and explore these new patterns! Please Bring With You: – Any Knitting and Crochet Supplies, including hooks, and yarn.

West New Brighton Library Adults
11:30 a.m. Quilting Essentials for beginners and Beyond Great Kills Library, Community Room Adults
12 noon Computer Basics

In this session you will learn the components of a computer and how to utilize them.
Wakefield Library Adults
12 noon Canceled
One on One Computer Help

1 on 1 Computer Help
Port Richmond Library Adults
12 noon Adult Open Lab

Need extra time on a laptop or computer? Need help opening a document from a USB? Dont know how to send and email? We can help. Have your questions answered and become computer savvy.
Macomb’s Bridge Library Adults
12:15 p.m. Google Series: Google Docs/Drive

Learn how to create, edit and share online documents using Google’s ever-evolving word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and calendar programs.

Dongan Hills Library Adults,
College & Graduate Students,
Young Adults/Pre GED (16-24 years),
12:30 p.m. Open Lab

No laptops or computers available at the moment? Want to practice your newly acquired computer skills? Need help mastering your electronic devices? Bring your technology questions and get one-on-one assistance!

Muhlenberg Library, Conference Room Adults,
1 p.m. Money Matters: 信用 (Mandarin)

CREDIT: 信用 在美國要實現理財目標,信用是非常重要的工具。在這次講座中,您將瞭解不同種類的信用工具及各自的優點。另外,您還將瞭解如何建立自己的信用記錄、信用記錄的重要性以及如何負責任地使用信用。這次講座還會向您說明,使用ITIN作為工具來建立信用記錄的意義所在。 免費財務講座以及用廣東話和 普通話進行的一對一輔導服務 幫助您實現最佳理財成果。 網站: nypl.org/money The New York Public Library’s Money Matters series is made possible thanks to the generous support of McGraw Hill Financial.…
Chatham Square Library Adults,
English Language Learners,
1 p.m. Facebook Basics

Learn about the online social network Facebook.

Mulberry Street Library Adults
1 p.m. Introduction to Computers at Pilot Cove /Including 1 on 1

Senior citizens at Pilot Cove can come to Grace Church down the block on City Island for an introduction to computers and internet. Maximum number of persons is three. Every Monday at 1:00 p.m. We also offer one on one tutorials on introduction to computers here in the library. Please call or come in to make an appointment. Open to all. 718-885-1703
City Island Library Adults,
1:15 p.m. Mutual Funds & ETFs

This class clarifies the differences between mutual funds and ETFs. We explain concepts such as net asset value and capital gains distributions, and demonstrate how to read a mutual fund statement. Click here for more SIBL programs and classes!
Science, Industry and Business Library (SIBL), Training Room 3 Adults,
Job Seekers
2 p.m. Jewelry Making with Gwendolyn Lawson

This hand on class will teach basic jewelry making techniques. From an assortment of GLASS beads you will create your own style of earrings, bracelets and necklaces. Discover how easy it is to design and make your own jewelry. No experience is necessary. All materials and tools are provided. Gwendolyn Jenkins-Lawson is a New York City self-taught artisan. Her unique style of jewelry design combines different glass textures, textiles and wood. Ms. Jenkins-Lawson has her own line of handcrafted…

Riverdale Library Adults,
2 p.m. Downloading NYPL eBooks

Electronic books, e-audio books, digital music and video – all available through NYPL’s website! Learn how to take advantage of free access to new media from the comfort of your own home.

Bronx Library Center, Technology Training Center Adults
2 p.m. Open Lab Mondays

Are you having trouble with your email? Don’t know how to cut and paste? Curious about Twitter? Bring your technology questions and get assistance!

Richmondtown Library, Technology Training Center Adults
2 p.m. Riverdale Knitting Circle

Gather with other knitters, and perhaps pick up a few tips and tricks as you work on your own creations.
Riverdale Library Adults
2:30 p.m. Legal Resources

A tour of consumer related print and non-print resources, including databases and websites, to get you started when looking for a legal professional, local government and other related information.

Mid-Manhattan Library, 4th Floor PC Lab Adults
2:30 p.m. Advanced MS Excel 2010

Explore more advanced features of Microsoft Excel 2010. Topics include using formulas and functions, data sorting and conditional formatting.
Morningside Heights, Computer Classroom Adults,
3 p.m. Knitting and Crochet Club

Adults can come learn the basics of knitting or crochet or share ideas and patterns.
Westchester Square Library Adults
3 p.m. Correo Electronico Avanzado

Aprenda a manejar sus contactos a través de la libreta de direcciones, y cómo enviar y recibir archivos de documentos e imágenes como archivos adjuntos de correo electrónico.
Washington Heights Library Adults
MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015
3 p.m. Photoshop CS6 for Beginners

Learn how to enhance photos using the # 1 photo editing software in the world; Adobe Photoshop. In this class you the features of Photoshop and learn about layers and use them to minpulate images to your desire.

Mid-Manhattan Library, 4th Floor Mac Lab Adults
3 p.m. Buzzy Bots and Crawly Critters

This is a FREE hands-on, science workshop series for kids.Children will explore and discuss the differences between living and non-living things through building robots and studying live pill bugs and crayfish. Space is limited, so please register in advance at the library.
Clason’s Point Library Children,
School Age (5-12 years),
3 p.m. Canceled
One on One Computer Help

1 on 1 Computer Help
Port Richmond Library Adults
3:15 p.m. Researching the 5 Ps of Your Marketing Plan: Product, People ,Price, Plan, and Promotion

How to research the 5 P’s to help you arrive at informed marketing decisions, increasing the potential for your business to grow. Seating is limited and is on a first come, first seated basis. Click here for more SIBL programs and classes!
Science, Industry and Business Library (SIBL), Training Room 3 Adults,
Job Seekers
3:30 p.m. SciLab @ NYPL (STEM)

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) programs for children ages 5 to 12 promote the opportunity to explore the natural world through workshops, project-based learning and scientific experiments.

Pelham Parkway-Van Nest Library Children,
School Age (5-12 years),
3:30 p.m. Monday Madness

Come join us for either a fun craft, short movie, or a surprise activity.

New Amsterdam Library, Auditorium Children,
Pre-schoolers (3-5 years),
School Age (5-12 years),
3:30 p.m. Color-me-Happy

Enjoy coloring pictures or doing puzzles with other children.
Allerton Library, Children’s Room Children,
Toddlers (18-36 months),
Pre-schoolers (3-5 years),
School Age (5-12 years),
3:30 p.m. Homework Help

Could you use some help with your homework? Volunteers from Bard High School Early College are here to assist students in grades K-5 achieve their best on school assignments!
Hamilton Fish Park Library Children,
School Age (5-12 years),
3:30 p.m. Craft-A-Way

Get crafty at the Hunt’s Point Branch Crafts for the Month: May 4th: Popsicle Stick Flowers May 18th: Popsicle Stick Bird Feeders
Hunts Point Library, Children’s Room Families
3:30 p.m. Teen Lab

Teens meet at the Allerton lab and utilize library resources to do homework.
Allerton Library Teens/Young Adults (13-18 years)
3:30 p.m. Teen Tech Time

Teens, come and get the opportunity to explore technology and learn something new about some of the websites and apps you already use in your everyday life!
Port Richmond Library Teens/Young Adults (13-18 years),
Young Adults/Pre GED (16-24 years)
4 p.m. Networking: Turning Business Cards into a Business Network

Being of service to your network can turn your stack of business cards into a network of people who are committed to helping you achieve your goals. In this workshop, we’ll cover: Introducing yourself in 45 seconds or less Targeted listening to identify ways to help others Categorizing and leveraging your network Practicing your skills in a guided speed networking exercise Presented by Sole Strivers
Grand Concourse Library Adults
4 p.m. Spring Gardening Workshop

Decorate a flower pot and then plant your seeds. Take it home and watch it grow! All materials will be provided.
Hunts Point Library Teens/Young Adults (13-18 years)
4 p.m. KidsLearn@NYPL

Learn about how to use the computer, the NYPL catalog, other available online resources for kids.
Belmont Library and Enrico Fermi Cultural Center, Children’s Room Children,
School Age (5-12 years),
4 p.m. Kusudama Flowers

Learn how to create fun, complex, and amazing origami flowers. A perfect activity for spring. This is a free event for ages 12-18.
Seward Park Library Teens/Young Adults (13-18 years)
4 p.m. Study Zone

Looking for a quiet space to do your homework, study zone is the place for you! Join other teens looking for quiet time to work on their homework and other school related projects.
Bronx Library Center, Teen Center Teens/Young Adults (13-18 years)
4 p.m. Crazy 4 Science:Buzzy Bots and Crawly Critters

This is a FREE hands-on, science workshop series for kids. Children will explore and discuss the differences between living and non-living things through building robots and studying live pill bugs and crayfish. Space is limited to up to 15 children. First come, first serve.
Hamilton Grange Library, Children’s Room Children,
School Age (5-12 years),
4 p.m. Buzzy Bots and Crawly Critters

Calling out all scientists out there. Come and make your own Bristle Bot and enjoy experimenting with it!

Tremont Library Children,
School Age (5-12 years),
4 p.m. Creative Arts

Hands-on projects using a variety of skills.
Sedgwick Library, Community Room Children,
School Age (5-12 years),
4:30 p.m. Open Lab – Individualized Help with Technology

Are you having trouble with your email? Don’t know how to cut and paste? Want to start an online job search? Bring technology questions and get one-on-one assistance! Hands on help using the computers in the CRW lab. Computers are provided but if you have your own laptop, tablet or smartphone, you are welcome and encouraged to bring that too.
Seward Park Library Adults,
4:30 p.m. MS Word 2010 for Beginners

Learn the basic features of Microsoft Word 2010, a word processing program you can use to create documents.

58th Street Library, Computer Classroom Adults,
4:30 p.m. MS PowerPoint for Beginners

Learn how to create a slideshow presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. Topics include creating and editing slides, inserting images and clipart, and running your slideshow.

Edenwald Library Adults,
4:45 p.m. Open Computer lab

The Computer lab is open for public use
Morningside Heights, Computer Classroom Adults
5 p.m. Supervised Open Lab

Need some help mastering your electronic devices? Are you having trouble with your email? Interested in using the internet – online shopping, banking? Don’t know how to cut and paste? Curious about Twitter, Facebook or other messaging apps? Bring your technology questions and get one-on-one assistance.
Parkchester Library, Computer Lab Adults
5 p.m. Evening Computer Classes

Computer Basics – Learn about the various types and components of computers, including basic computer terminology, an overview of operating systems, and popular software applications. Internet Basics – An introduction to the Internet, including getting connected, using a web browser, and navigating web pages. Learn how to find information online using search engines and subject directories. Email Basics – Learn how email works, sign up for a free email account, and learn about sending, replyin…
Clason’s Point Library, Community Meeting Room Adults
5 p.m. Homework Help

Join us every Monday for help with school studies. Library staff and volunteers will be on hand to provide study assistance for children in grades 1-6.
Mariners Harbor Library Children,
School Age (5-12 years),
5 p.m. Homework Help

Need extra help with your Math or Science homework? Sit in with our volunteer tutor and work out those head scratching questions. For children in grades K-7. Please register for a session.
Bloomingdale Library Children,
School Age (5-12 years),
5:15 p.m. Getting the Most out of the NYPL Catalog

Explore our catalog. Search for books and other materials, learn how to place holds, rate an item, add items to your shelves, look at reviews and create lists.

Mid-Manhattan Library, 4th Floor PC Lab Adults
5:30 p.m. Monthly Meditation: Meditation for Healthy Living

The scientific community has recently been exploring the use of meditation as a healing modality. Join our speakers for a monthly series as they discuss the extraordinary effect of meditation to reduce stress-related responses, improve concentration, enhance clarity of thought and mental equilibrium. Speakers will also present a simple, yet powerful, meditation technique that can enrich one’s well being. Meditation is easy to learn and can bring about a sense of peace, calm and balance. Through…
Grand Central Library, Community Room Adults
5:30 p.m. Open Lab – Individualized Help with Technology

Are you having trouble with your email? Don’t know how to cut and paste? Want to start an online job search? Bring technology questions and get one-on-one assistance! Hands on help using the computers in the CRW lab. Computers are provided but if you have your own laptop, tablet or smartphone, you are welcome and encouraged to bring that too.
Seward Park Library Adults,
6 p.m. Advanced MS Word 2010

Explore more advanced features of Microsoft Word 2010. Topics include mail merge, tables, text boxes, headers and footers, footnotes and endnotes.

Bronx Library Center, Technology Training Center Adults
6 p.m. Supervised Open Lab

Need some help mastering your electronic devices? Are you having trouble with your email? Interested in using the internet – online shopping, banking? Don’t know how to cut and paste? Curious about Twitter, Facebook or other messaging apps? Bring your technology questions and get one-on-one assistance.
Parkchester Library, Computer Lab Adults
6 p.m. Meditation at the Library

Feel the energy within. Sahaja Meditation is a simple, time-honored technique. It helps reduce stress and increase wellness. If you’re having trouble juggling the challenges in your life, Sahaja Meditation can help you manage stress, master your emotions and find solutions to your problems. You’ll enjoy better health, better focus, and a deeper understanding of the universe and your place in it.
Kingsbridge Library Adults
6:15 p.m. Digital Storytelling Using iMovie

Discuss techniques of using digital tools to tell stories. Learn how to use Apple’s popular iMovie software to combine words, images, video, and other media into a compelling narrative.

Mid-Manhattan Library, 4th Floor Mac Lab Adults
6:30 p.m. Tai Chi for All

Tai chi is a system of exercises practiced at a steady meditative pace. Gentle movements coordinated with deep breathing invigorate and heal the body, clear the mind and create inner peace and harmony. Tai chi fosters the ability to face the world with openness and fearlessness and find the sacred dimension of everyday life. Dino Blanche, who has been a teacher of tai chi, jujitsu and self-defense for over 40 years, will facilitate this workshop.
Mariners Harbor Library Adults
6:30 p.m. Money Matters: Vivienda

Taller: Vivienda La vivienda es uno de los gastos más grandes y más importantes para todos. Este taller le dará información para que pueda tomar las mejores decisiones para sus opciones de vivienda basándose en sus ingresos y su presupuesto. También aprenderá acerca de los recursos disponibles para los inquilinos por si llegara a tener algún problema con su arrendador. Además aprenderá acerca de las estafas más comunes en la Ciudad de Nueva York y cómo prevenir ser víctima de las mismas. Presé…
Mid-Manhattan Library Adults,
English Language Learners,
6:30 p.m. Warm Your Heart Project: Knitting and Crochet Meet Up

Get involved with the Warm Your Heart Project, which creates scarves for the homeless and underserved of New York City. The goal is to have 500 scarves to distribute to the needy by October 2015. Help us reach this goal! Not a knitter or crocheter? No problem! It’s easy to pick up, and there are other knitters and crocheters willing to instruct you at the meet-up. Materials will be available to work with, but if you have some needles and yarn of your own, please feel free to bring some al…
Mariners Harbor Library Adults
7 p.m. Supervised Open Lab

Need some help mastering your electronic devices? Are you having trouble with your email? Interested in using the internet – online shopping, banking? Don’t know how to cut and paste? Curious about Twitter, Facebook or other messaging apps? Bring your technology questions and get one-on-one assistance.
Parkchester Library, Computer Lab Adults
8:30 p.m. MS Office Open Lab

Took a MS Office class and you need practice? Do you have questions on how to use the skills you learned? Bring your Office questions and get one-on-one assistance!

Mid-Manhattan Library, 4th Floor Mac Lab Adults
May 2015

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