MONDAY, JUNE 8, 2015 | |||
8:30 p.m. | Get Photoshopped! “Brush Basics”
In this class you will use the Photoshop to modify digital images. Learn how to use the clone stamp tool, duplicating backgrounds and much more.
Registration required: Online |
Mid-Manhattan Library, 4th Floor Mac Lab | Adults |
TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015 | |||
10 a.m. | Open Lab
Are you having trouble with your email? Don’t know how to cut and paste? Curious about Twitter? Bring your technology questions and get one-on-one assistance!
First come, first served |
Countee Cullen Library, TechConnect Computer Lab | Adults, 50+, Adults |
10:30 a.m. | Facebook Basics
Learn about the online social network Facebook.
Registration required: Online |
Mid-Manhattan Library, 4th Floor PC Lab | Adults |
11 a.m. | K&K’s Crochet Corner
Beginner’s Crochet Class We will get you started on a crochet adventure. You’ll learn the basics and beyond. By the end of these classes you’ll be HOOKED!
Washington Heights Library | Adults, 50+, Adults |
11 a.m. | Conversational Sign Language Workshop
Conversational signing is also known as “Signed English” and differs from American Sign Language (ASL) in sentence structure and complexity. This workshop consists of six (6) sessions and is designed to be a fun and relaxed way of learning of basic coversational signs that can be tailored to the interests of the group and used in everyday communication. Please Note: This workshop is limited to 8 participants. Please sign up at the Riverside Information Desk or call (212) 870-1810
Riverside Library | Adults |
11 a.m. | NYPL TechConnect: Photo Editing with PIXLR for Beginners
Explore the basics of editing photos with PIXLR! Learn how to crop and resize photos and eliminate that red eye! Students may bringa a flash drive with photos. This class will meet two consecutive weeks. No registration required. Please ring the doorbell to gain admittance.
Ottendorfer Library | Adults, 50+, Adults |
11 a.m. | Teclado y Raton | Inwood Library, Auditorium | Adults, 50+, Immigrants, Adults |
11 a.m. | Advanced MS Word 2010
Explore more advanced features of Microsoft Word 2010. This class will cover the tools and commands on the Insert Ribbon and how to use them properly.
First come, first served |
Countee Cullen Library, TechConnect Computer Lab | Adults, 50+, Businesspeople, College & Graduate Students, Job Seekers, Adults |
11 a.m. | Google Series: Getting More out of Google
Do you wanna know? Google knows. Google knows who what when where how and why. So if you want to know ask google. Explore the depths, discover the amazing.
Hamilton Grange Library, Community Room | Adults |
11 a.m. | We Are New York (WANY) English Conversation Groups: Chatham Square Library – June 2015
We Are New York is an Emmy Award-winning half hour TV show created to help people practice English. Each story is about everyday situations, like going to the doctor or talking to your child’s teacher. The characters speak slowly and clearly. Intermediate Level English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) learners will have the opportunity to learn English by watching We Are New York videos. Come to the library and meet other people who are practicing English, just like you. This program…
Chatham Square Library | Adults, English Language Learners, Immigrants |
11:15 a.m. | Exercise, Stay Well for seniors
Join us for a a free Stay Well exercise Session for seniors. All participants must sign a wavier before you join , please wear loose and comfortable clothing.
St. Agnes Library, Community Program Room | Adults |
12 noon | Uncovering your Family History: Using Handbooks to Develop Genealogy Research Plans
Genealogy handbooks are an oft overlooked resource. This short course will present different types of handbooks and explain how to use them to improve the quality and depth of genealogy research. This is a companion course to other Uncovering your Family History courses offered by the Milstein Division.
First come, first served |
Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, South Court Classrooms | Adults |
12 noon | Money Matters: 住房 (Mandarin)
HOUSING: 住房 住房是每個人最大也是最重要的開支項。本講座將向您提供相關資訊,讓您能夠依據自身的收入和預算,在住房選擇上作出最佳的決策。另外,您還將瞭解如果房客與房東發生糾紛,房客有哪些資源可以利用。最後,本講座還會介紹紐約市的住房騙局,教您如何防止上當。 免費財務講座以及用廣東話和 普通話進行的一對一輔導服務 幫助您實現最佳理財成果。 網站: nypl.org/money The New York Public Library’s Money Matters series is made possible thanks to the generous support of McGraw Hill Financial.…
Seward Park Library | Adults, 50+, English Language Learners, Immigrants, Adults |
12 noon | Adult Tech Time Lab
Need extra time on a laptop or computer? Need to job search and/or post your resume? Have an application that you can’t seem to finish in time? Come in and we will assist.
Macomb’s Bridge Library | Adults |
12:15 p.m. | Lunch Time Beginning Crochet Workshop
Want to crochet but aren’t sure where to start? Learn to crochet at the library! Learn the basics of crochet, and start your first project. This is a free event, but you will need to bring your own supplies. Please bring a crochet hook and practice yarn. Registration is not required.
New Amsterdam Library, Auditorium | Adults, 50+, Businesspeople, Adults |
1 p.m. | Arts For a Lifetime 2015
No Experience Necessary. All Materials Provided Free of Change. Artist Antonia A. Perez Will Be Teaching a Weekly Class in Drawing and Watercolor Painting for Seniors in the Community. Each Session Students Will Make One or More Drawings or Paintings. Learn How to Use a Variety of Drawing Materials and Watercolor Painting. The Program Will Culminate in an Exhibition of Work Selected by the Participants. REGISTRATION REQUIRED (Call 212-926-2147)
Hamilton Grange Library | Adults, 50+, Adults |
1:15 p.m. | Open Lab
Are you having trouble with your email? Don’t know how to cut and paste? Curious about Twitter? Bring your technology questions and get one-on-one assistance!
Registration required: Online |
Mid-Manhattan Library, 4th Floor PC Lab | Adults |
1:15 p.m. | Career Resources
Description: Explore job/career resources available at the Science, Industry and Business Library (SIBL) and other public sites; Find industry and career advice, resume guides and more. Seating is limited and is on a first come, first seated basis. Click here for more SIBL programs and classes!
Science, Industry and Business Library (SIBL), Training Room 3 | Adults, Job Seekers |
1:30 p.m. | Computer Lab – Basic Assistance
Do you need help with any of the software programs in the Microsoft Office Suite. Well , help is here. Come to our computer lab and get basic assistance with the following Microsoft Office Programs ( Word, Excel, Powerpoint , Access ) Space is limited to 3 people per each 45 minute session. There will be two sessions ( 1) 1:30-2:15pm and (2)2:15-3:00pm. Please see a staff member to sign up for a 45 minute session or call 212-662-9727 to register by phone. Space is limited!!! PLEASE NO…
Registration required: Phone or in-person |
George Bruce Library, Computer room | Adults |
2 p.m. | StayWell Exercise for Seniors
Join us for a free StayWell Exercise session designed for seniors. All participants must sign waiver before they join in. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. Bring a yoga mat or beach towel. Call or stop by for futher details.
Registration required: In-person, at registration |
Riverside Library | Adults, 50+, Adults |
2 p.m. | Money Matters: 住房 (Cantonese)
HOUSING: 住房 住房是每個人最大也是最重要的開支項。本講座將向您提供相關資訊,讓您能夠依據自身的收入和預算,在住房選擇上作出最佳的決策。另外,您還將瞭解如果房客與房東發生糾紛,房客有哪些資源可以利用。最後,本講座還會介紹紐約市的住房騙局,教您如何防止上當。 免費財務講座以及用廣東話和 普通話進行的一對一輔導服務 幫助您實現最佳理財成果。 網站: nypl.org/money The New York Public Library’s Money Matters series is made possible thanks to the generous support of McGraw Hill Financial.…
Chatham Square Library | Adults, 50+, English Language Learners, Immigrants, Adults |
2 p.m. | Falun Dafa Exercise Class
Falun Dafa is an ancient Chinese practice to enhance body, mind and spirit. It has superb health benefits, relieves stress and anxiety, and promotes both mental and spiritual well-being. Practice of meditation and slow moving exercise. Eliminate stress, enjoy peace of mind.
Muhlenberg Library | Adults |
2 p.m. | Teen Advisory
Let your voice be heard in the 115th Street Branch Library Teen Advisory Group . Whats happening in your world ? whats the hottest book or cd ? what programs does the library need?
115th Street Library, Alvin Ailey Community Room | Teens/Young Adults (13-18 years) |
2 p.m. | Ballet Exercise Class for Adults
Come dance with us! Here’s your chance to experience the ballerina in each of us. Learn basic ballet steps and experience the joy of dancing in a class that combines ballet and exercise specifically for older adults. You’ll have fun as you dance and see for yourself the benefits of ballet for good balance, agility and grace. Wear comfortable clothes and be ready to have fun. Come for the whole month or just drop in. No experience necessary. About the instructor: Jennifer Grambs, trained in…
Registration required: In-person, in advance |
67th Street Library | Adults, 50+, Adults |
2:30 p.m. | Facebook Basics
Learn about the online social network Facebook.
Registration required: In-person, at registration |
58th Street Library, Computer Classroom | Adults, 50+, Adults |
2:30 p.m. | Google Series: Gmail
Learn how Gmail works, sign up for a free email account, and learn about sending, replying to forwarding messages and attachments.
Registration required: Online |
Mid-Manhattan Library, 4th Floor PC Lab | Adults |
3 p.m. | Citizen Cartography @NYPL: Building a Virtual Atlas of New York
Help NYPL build the geospatial library of the future! This workshop will get you oriented with the set of tools the Library has developed (available at maps.nypl.org) that enables librarians and the general public to add valuable geographic context to old maps by overlaying digital images of historical maps onto a contemporary digital map through a process called georectification, or “warping” maps. This means overlaying digital images of historic maps onto a contemporary digital map (similar to…
First come, first served |
Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, South Court Classroom A | Adults |
3 p.m. | Aprenda a Usar el Teclado y Ratón.
Aprenda cómo usar el ratón de la computadora y practique sus habilidades con el teclado.
Washington Heights Library | Adults |
3 p.m. | Open Lab
Are you having trouble with your email? Don’t know how to cut and paste? Curious about Twitter? Bring your technology questions and get one-on-one assistance!
First come, first served |
Harlem Library | Adults, 50+, Adults |
3:30 p.m. | Buzzy Bots and Crawly Critters
This is a FREE hands-on, science workshop series for kids. Children will explore and discuss the differences between living and non-living things through building robots and studying live pill bugs and crayfish. Space is limited, so please register in advance at the library! Week 2: Pillbugs Tuesday June 2th at 3:30 Week 3: Artbot Tuesday June 9th at 3:30 Week 4: Crayfish *Monday June 15th at 2:30 Please contact Allie Affinito at alessandraaffinito@nypl.org or call 212-964…
Chatham Square Library | Children, School Age (5-12 years), Children |
4 p.m. | Super Hero Canvas Art
Collage a canvas reusing comic books and turn your favorite superheros into one of a kind pieces of art. For ages 12 to 18 years old. Presented by Jailin Acevedo.
Seward Park Library | Teens/Young Adults (13-18 years) |
4 p.m. | Life as a Bug
This is a FREE hands-on, science workshop series for kids. Children will explore and discuss the differences between living and non-living things through building robots and studying live pill bugs and crayfish. Space is limited, so please register in advance at the library. 212-477-6770
Registration required: Phone or in-person |
Seward Park Library | Children, School Age (5-12 years), Children |
4 p.m. | Teen Tech Time @ Hamilton Grange
Need extra computer time? Want to add some bling to your social media sites? Research colleges? Edit video? Learn about our electronic resources and more!
Hamilton Grange Library | Teens/Young Adults (13-18 years) |
4 p.m. | Hands-on!
Learn and explore through simple crafts, experiments or activities based in scientific, mathematic or artistic principles. Great for kids 5 and up.
115th Street Library | School Age (5-12 years), Children |
4 p.m. | Art Explorers
Join us for stories and a craft that involves the senses and art education concepts in a fun setting. For ages 3 -5yrs. No pre-registration required. Limited to 25 children: first come, first served. Projects may be messy or stain clothes. Smocks recommended.
67th Street Library | Children, Pre-schoolers (3-5 years), Children |
4 p.m. | Map Your World
Participants will explore mapmaking as a tool for telling their stories and imagining new worlds! We will look at examples of maps in the NYPL’s collections, including but not limited to historical maps, fantasy maps, web maps, and artist’s maps. Inspired by our research, we will create maps individually and collaboratively using a variety of visual media including drawing, collage, painting, printmaking, and digital imaging. For ages 12 to 18 years old. Presented by Community-Word Project.
Mulberry Street Library | Teens/Young Adults (13-18 years) |
4 p.m. | Open Lab
Are you having trouble with your email? Don’t know how to cut and paste? Curious about Twitter? Bring your technology questions and get one-on-one assistance!
First come, first served |
Harlem Library | Adults, 50+, Adults |
4 p.m. | Stop Motion Productions: Four Workshops, Four Films
This is a FREE hands-on, tech-based workshop series for teens. You’ll get to use an iPad and clay, pipe cleaners, and other craft materials to create a stop-motion video like you might have seen in Coraline or The Boxtrolls, and along the way you’ll learn about how emotion can be depicted, how professionals use armatures, and the elements of a story. Ages 12-18. Space is limited, so please register in advance at the library.
Registration required: In-person, in advance |
125th Street Library | Teens/Young Adults (13-18 years) |
4:30 p.m. | Android Accessibility Basics
Please register for this workshop by emailing chanceyfleet@nypl.org or calling (212) 621-0627. Android tablets and phones include accessibility features for people who are blind, have low vision, or have other disabilities. You’ll learn about what accessibility features are available on different versions of Android; how to enable and use settings for magnification and speech feedback; and where to go online to learn more about using Android accessibility features. This workshop will be d…
Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library | Adults |
5 p.m. | Walk Into eBooks
Join us weekly for walk in eBook help and learn how to load library eBooks on your eReader. Every Tuesday from 5:00 to 6:30pm. Sessions are first come first serve. Please arrive by 6:10pm. What to bring: · Your eReading Devise (all devices) · Your USB Cord (Kindle, Nook, and Sony eReader) · Your Laptop Computer (Nook and Sony eReader) · Please know all passwords for your Amazon (Kindle) and App Store (Apple and Android Devices) accounts.
St. Agnes Library | Adults |
NYPL JUNE 9, 2015
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