Multiple people shot, injured in Brooklyn subway station – 36 street.
A number of people were shot and hurt on a New York City subway car at a stop in Brooklyn on April 12, 2022. Undetonated explosives also were found. WABC and ABC provide coverage of the aftermath, including aerial footage from a helicopter and updates from police and other officials.
13News Now
Multiple people were shot on Tuesday in a New York City subway station, the fire department said, in the latest spasm of violence in the city’s sprawling transit system. The shootings occurred during the morning commute at the 36th Street subway station in Brooklyn’s Sunset Park neighborhood.
Latest Update on 36 street station shooting. Suspect still not apprehended. Total of 10 persons shot with 5 in critical condition m no and some 20 with various injuries. It is reported on news media that police are searching for a U Haul van with Arizona plates. Incident occurred at about 8:30 AM this morning on a N line train approaching the 36 Street Station. When doors were opened smoke poured out, together with frightened riders. It is reported shooter released a smoke canister while train was approaching 36 street station and then began shooting.
Colton William