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Mayor Eric Adams Delivers Remarks at Rally in Support of Affordable Housing

Mayor Eric Adams Delivers Remarks at Rally in Support of Affordable Housing City Hall Steps Lower Manhattan September 7, 2022

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Adams administration officials today were joined by labor unions, advocacy groups, and Bronx community partners in support of a proposed affordable housing project, with homes for seniors and veterans, on Bruckner Boulevard in Throggs Neck. As New York City continues to face affordable housing and homelessness crises, this project would help realize Mayor Adams’ vision for getting New Yorkers into the safe, high-quality, affordable housing they deserve.

“A handful of voices saying ‘No’ can’t stop the ‘City of Yes,’” said Mayor Adams. “Safe, stable, and affordable housing should not be a privilege — but we can only provide that for every New Yorker if we say yes to new affordable housing all across the city. And with family-sustaining jobs, a modern grocery store, and affordable homes, this project will enrich this community and help us make New York a city for everyone. I want to thank our brothers and sisters in labor, all the advocates, and the elected officials who have supported this project and worked so hard to make it a reality.”

The proposed Bruckner Boulevard would create 349 new homes for the East Bronx, including 168 with rent protections. Among those homes would be 99 reserved for seniors and 22 for veterans in need, as well as a modernized grocery store and community facilities, including space for local youth after-school programming. If adopted, it would add much-needed housing in a community that produced just 58 new affordable homes between January 2014 and December 2021 — among the lowest of any neighborhood in the city — even while welcoming 10,000 new residents in the last decade.


September 2022

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