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FBI Orchestrated Terror Plot Exposed. Judision Watch

In the Judision Watch video “FBI Orchestrated Terror Plot Exposed w/Christina Urso,” journalist and documentary filmmaker Christina Urso discusses her investigation into the alleged FBI involvement in a kidnapping plot against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Urso expresses her skepticism towards the official narrative and believes the FBI identified and targeted vulnerable individuals, including Adam Fox and Brandon Caserta, using informants and undercover agents to infiltrate the group. The FBI allegedly facilitated meetings, provided food and drugs, and instigated discussions about violent actions against politicians. The FBI’s extensive tactics led to the arrests of 14 individuals and raised concerns about ethical conduct and potential conflicts of interest among the lead handling agents. The controversy surrounding the FBI’s role in the case calls for further investigation into the FBI’s tactics, ethical conduct, and potential manipulation of evidence in similar cases.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the Judicial Watch podcast, host Chris Frell interviews journalist and documentary filmmaker Christina Urso about her investigation into the alleged Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot in Michigan. Urso expresses her skepticism about the official narrative from the start, as Whitmer and other politicians used the plot to make political points against then-President Trump. Urso believes that the FBI identified and targeted individuals on the fringes of society, who were often working-class and vulnerable. The group identified included Adam Fox, who was homeless at the time, and Brandon Caserta, a machinist from Detroit. The FBI used informants to recruit and train these individuals, leading to their arrests. Urso’s documentary explores the allegation that this was an FBI-orchestrated plot
  • 00:05:00 in this section, the speaker discusses the details of how the FBI allegedly orchestrated the kidnapping plot against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. According to the speaker, the investigation began in March 2020 when a postal worker named Dan Chapel, who later became an informant, joined a Facebook group called The Wolverine Watchmen. He claimed that he saw threats of violence against law enforcement on the page, but there is no documented evidence of these threats. Chapel then infiltrated the group and became its leader, with the FBI directing him to do so. The FBI funded and organized tactical training exercises for the group, ultimately leading to the arrest of 14 individuals in October 2020. The FBI reportedly used at least 12 informants and two to three undercover agents to infiltrate the group. The speaker also mentions that the FBI’s involvement in the case goes back further than 2020, to at least mid-2018, when they were reportedly trying to infiltrate militia groups in the Midwest. The speaker concludes that the FBI’s network of informants and undercover agents stitched the group together and led them to the kidnapping plot
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled “FBI Orchestrated Terror Plot Exposed w/Christina Urso,” it is alleged that the FBI gave an informant named Robison access to a database of Americans they wanted to target. This database was used to facilitate the befriending of Barry Croft on Facebook by posing as someone who knew a friend of his who had passed away. The meeting to bring together various militia groups was chaired by Robison, and the FBI had five informants in attendance, all wearing recording devices. The FBI provided food, drugs, and beer, and the men were lured to the meeting under the assumption that they would be able to consume these items. At the Dublin meeting, where the FBI alleges the origins of the plot began, the informants provoked the men into discussing hypothetical situations involving violence, and the responses were taken out of context and played in court to make the men look incriminating. The information in this database and the criteria for inclusion are unknown. The payload of the FBI’s tactics was to get the men drunk and stoned, take incriminating snippets from their conversations, and use them in court to make them look bad
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled “FBI Orchestrated Terror Plot Exposed with Christina Urso,” the discussion revolves around an extensive FBI operation to cultivate and develop contacts involved in a planned kidnapping of Governor Whitmer of Michigan. The ignition point of this plot was suggested by the FBI, with the goal being a multi-state plot. The informants, believing in a civil war contingency plan, discussed various violent actions against Governors, including kidnapping, shooting in their driveways, and taking out their security details. The main informant, posing as a war hero, pushed these suggestions, and the FBI agents provided direction and tasking at both the confidential human source and agent levels. The conversation suggests a lengthy period, involving multiple people, and raises questions about ethical conduct and potential missteps within the FBI
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the “FBI Orchestrated Terror Plot Exposed” YouTube video with Christina Urso, the focus shifts to the lead handling agents involved in Operation Cold Snap, an FBI investigation into a perceived kidnap plot against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Agent Hrithik Impola, despite being previously accused of perjury, was singled out to be the lead agent. Jason Chambers, another lead agent, attempted to leverage his role at the FBI to launch his private cybersecurity company, Ex Intel, seeking government contracts. Their compromised positions raise significant conflicts of interest. Simultaneously, third lead handling agent Richard Tras, who signed the criminal complaint and was anticipated to be the government’s star witness, was discovered to have committed violence against his wife and had anti-Trump posts on his Facebook page. The special agent in charge in Detroit, Steven Dantuono, supervised the Detroit field office during this period and was later promoted just a week after the arrests, raising suspicions about potential links between these incidents and the events leading up to the Capitol attack on January 6, 2021
  • 00:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled “FBI Orchestrated Terror Plot Exposed with Christina Urso,” the speaker discusses the role of the FBI in an alleged terror plot by the Wolverine Watchmen in Michigan in 2020. The speaker claims that the FBI’s special agent in charge of the Detroit office, Dan Tuono, orchestrated the plot and orchestrated IT, equipped them, and gave them direction and guidance. After the arrests were made in late 2020, Tuono was promoted to be the Washington metropolitan field office’s special agent in charge and deputy director, indicating his high-ranking position within the bureau. The plot was allegedly instigated during an anti-lockdown rally at the Lancing capital on April 30, 2020, where the FBI had informants dressed as members of the Wolverine Watchmen, and had agents watching from a distance with drones overhead. The FBI told the Michigan State Police to let the group in, supposedly to get optics for recruitment. The progression of the case led to the use of imagery from the rally as a recruiting tool for the FBI to get more militia members to join their operation. Tuono, who oversaw the plot, later oversaw the FBI’s investigation into the January 6 Capitol riot. The speaker also mentions that the FBI had informants in various extremist groups leading up to January 6, including the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled “FBI Orchestrated Terror Plot Exposed with Christina Urso,” the discussion revolves around the Michigan militia group, Wolverine Watchmen. The speaker reveals that out of the 14 members arrested, 12 were FBI informants and three were undercover agents. Some ordinary citizens were afraid to talk due to threats from the FBI. The group was falling apart, and many members were not active members of Wolverine Watchmen. For instance, Paul Beller, who was 21-year-old at the time of his arrest, only attended a few meetings and created his own group due to disagreements within the FBI’s group. Another member, Brandon Cassera, was unaware that he was part of an active terrorism enterprise investigation when he attended their defensive firearms training. The FBI allegedly spent millions of dollars on these investigations and sometimes didn’t even obtain approval to run them as a Terrorism Enterprise Investigation (TEI). Overall, the speaker argues that FBI corruption is a prevalent issue and should not be overlooked or dismissed as an exception
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled “FBI Orchestrated Terror Plot Exposed with Christina Urso,” the discussion centers on the FBI’s involvement in creating a fictitious National militia group called The Patriot 3percenters. Jenny Plunk, an informant, was posing as the head of the Tennessee chapter, and Robison, a middle-aged trucker from Delaware with three kids, was the target of investigation. The FBI tasked Plunk with keeping Barry Cross in the group, despite his lack of interest in Gretchen Whitmer or her policies. The agents involved made derogatory comments about Cross behind his back, referring to him as BH and a coward. Plunk was driving from Tennessee to Delaware to pick up Cross and attend a meeting in Wisconsin. Although Cross was not the intended target, he was arrested along with several others in the first week of October 2020. The FBI had tried multiple times to get other members to commit to violent plots, but failed, and eventually brought in two undercover agents, Mark Schweers and Tim Bates, to pose as an explosives expert and a quote “explosives expert” respectively. These undercover agents attended a “circle of trust” meeting where they recorded the attendees
  • 00:40:00 In this section of the “FBI Orchestrated Terror Plot Exposed” YouTube video, Christina Urso discusses an undercover FBI operation where agents attempted to lure individuals into purchasing explosives at an event called an FTX (Force on Force Training Exercise). According to Urso, this event was used to bring people together for the arrest. She explains that it was not an organized group, but rather an ad hoc collection of individuals gathered for a family-friendly event with activities like shooting and a little girl’s birthday party. The FBI provocateurs, posing as fellow attendees, tried to coax some of these individuals into buying explosives, but no one took the bait. The FBI then organized a meeting at a private location under the guise of obtaining “free gear,” leading to several arrests, including Brandon at his place of work. Urso also shares text messages between the purported ring leader, Adam, and the informant where Adam expresses hesitation and eventually apologizes for his involvement in the plot
  • 00:45:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled “FBI Orchestrated Terror Plot Exposed w/Christina Urso,” the speaker discusses the alleged incompetence and goofiness of one of the co-conspirators named Dan, who was insisted upon by the group’s leader, Dan. The group discussed various plans to kidnap Governor Whitmer but lacked a clear agreement on anything. Their plans ranged from leaving her in the middle of Lake Michigan to taking her to Wisconsin for a citizen’s trial. Some of their discussions were joking in nature, and they appeared to be spiteful rather than serious. In October 2020, Whitmer held a press conference where she claimed her team was aware of the situation the entire time, but later retracted her statement and admitted she was never in any real danger. The FBI, according to the speaker, had coordinated reconnaissance of Whitmer’s vacation cottage and used informants to lure the co-conspirators to the location, where they were arrested. The entire situation was orchestrated by the FBI, who drove the suspects around and installed pole cams to catch them on camera
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the “FBI Orchestrated Terror Plot Exposed” YouTube video, Christina Urso discusses the outcomes of the federal and state trials related to the alleged kidnapping conspiracy. Six men were charged federally with conspiracy to kidnap and WMD charges, although the evidence for the WMD charges was questionable, including pennies taped to a firework. One defendant, Ty Garbin, took a plea deal with the help of an FBI-connected attorney. Another defendant, Caleb Franks, was also pressured into pleading guilty before trial, despite facing life in prison for other charges. Four men went to trial, with Brandon Cassera and Daniel Harris being acquitted. However, there were issues with juror misconduct and biased procedures that likely contributed to the wrongful conviction of Adam Fox and Barry Croft. The state trials resulted in convictions for the remaining defendants, but the unfair process prevented them from presenting evidence of their innocence
  • 00:55:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled “FBI Orchestrated Terror Plot Exposed with Christina Urso,” the speaker discusses the case of five men, including Adam Fox and Barry, who were convicted in September 2021 and trying to appeal their convictions. The speaker also interviewed Adam and Barry before they were transferred to supermax prisons, but their ability to contact them and participate in the documentary was cut off, making it challenging for them to prepare for their appeals. The government restricted their phone calls, access to legal materials, and commissary funds, making it difficult for the men to communicate with their lawyers or access necessary documentation for their appeals. The speaker also mentions that the FBI had manipulated evidence in the case, altering a timestamp, which could have potentially sent Eric, one of the men, to prison if not caught.
    The documentary trailer is excellent, and to support the work financially and ensure continuing investigations, the speaker asks viewers to check out the trailer and look for ways to support the project

01:00:00 – 01:05:00

In the YouTube video “FBI Orchestrated Terror Plot Exposed with Christina Urso,” the speaker, Christina Urso, encourages viewers to follow her and her documentary “Kidnap and Kill an FBI Terror Plot” through her Twitter handle @KandKfilm and her website KandKfilm.com. The documentary is set to be released in the first quarter of 2024. Urso expresses her expertise in a complex case involving Michigan militia, FBI agents, and informants, specifically naming Agents Charles Story and Steven Dantuono. She criticizes the FBI for involving a child molester and felon named Robison in the plot, concealing him from the jury, and using his fake charity as a pretext to issue prepaid credit cards to militia members. The video also reveals the substantial expenses paid to FBI informants Robison and Dan Chapel, who received $20,000 and almost $60,000, respectively.
The alarming amounts spent on informants, totaling millions of dollars, have raised concerns regarding the ethical use of public funds and possible manipulation of individuals. Christina Urso’s documentary “Kidnap and Kill an FBI Terror Plot” remains an essential investigation, and donations to support the work are encouraged.

  • 01:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled “FBI Orchestrated Terror Plot Exposed with Christina Urso,” the speaker discusses ways for viewers to follow her and the documentary “Kidnap and Kill an FBI Terror Plot.” The website for the documentary is KandKfilm.com, where viewers can watch the trailer and donate. The speaker’s Twitter handle is KandKfilm, and she encourages viewers to follow her there as well. The documentary is expected to be released in the first quarter of 2024. The speaker also expresses her extensive knowledge of the complex case involving the Michigan militia, FBI agents, and informants. She names Special Agents Charles Story and Steven Dantuono, who she believes should be held accountable for their roles in the case. The speaker criticizes the FBI for using a child molester and career felon named Robison to orchestrate a plot, keeping him hidden from the jury, and using his fake charity as a pretense to provide prepaid credit cards to the militia members
  • 01:05:00 In this section of the “FBI Orchestrated Terror Plot Exposed” YouTube video with Christina Urso, the discussion revolves around the expenses paid to FBI informants involved in an FBI operation. Robison and Dan Chapel were two of the informants who received significant payments for their involvement, with Robison receiving $20,000 and Chapel receiving almost $60,000, including a bonus after the arrests. The FBI also provided other goods and items, such as a laptop, smartwatch, and residence relocation for Chapel. The outrageous expenses spent on informants, totaling millions of dollars for the operation, are a major concern as it raises questions about the ethical use of public funds and potential manipulation of individuals. Christina Erso’s documentary, “Kidnap and Kill and FBI Terror Plot,” is available for viewing on her website, K and K film.com, and donations towards her work are encouraged to continue this important investigation

SOUURCE: Judicial Watch video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8e02nQLPPo – The text was recognized using an AI service summarize.tech – Midtown Tribune news

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