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Romania. Calin Georgescu President’s Program

What does candidate Calin Georgescu propose in his election program and why are the “main progressive media” silent about it?

“Food, Water, Energy” A return to the roots of the Romanian nation

The time has come for the Romanian people to have a national program that will define them in the world and ensure their well-being. The independence of the country is also defined by the ability to manage yourself. The program was proposed to the Romanian people since 2010 and has undergone changes over the years to respond to the great challenges of the present.


The establishment of a sovereign-distributive state and a society based on participatory democracy in which Truth, Freedom and Sovereignty are the axis of values ​​for Romania’s development .


A new social, economic and political model,  innovative and unifying : sovereignism-distributism, meant to produce structural changes and, ultimately,  a change of system,  because  one cannot truly build on the current skeleton.


Sovereignty-distributism is a social and economic model of freedom and the common good (of  brotherhood),  which  is based on  local production and participatory democracy  and which can be the saving solution for any country, not just for Romania.

The sovereign-distributive economy is the economy  of worker-owners, of the traditional family, of communities, of the authentic Romanian producer.  A fair, stable and moral economy, which bears witness to tradition.

Participatory democracy  represents a continuous source of power for citizens who will be able to directly engage in the legislative process, without passively waiting to be called to the polls every four years.

In Romania, the transition to participatory democracy and a market economy in a sovereign-distributive system marks the beginning  of the Great National Renaissance.


Distributism (participatory economic democracy) involves spreading welfare on a large scale by encouraging, supporting and generalizing  small and medium-sized productive property  and  associative forms.

Its practical implementation is done through a set of coherently articulated public policies and legislative measures aimed at the creation and development of popular banks, production and distribution cooperatives, worker-owner enterprises, partnership production, and a well-developed cadastre.

Widespread productive ownership ensures a healthy economic mechanism: workers own the land, the machinery, and their own skills, and thus have control over their own destiny.

The development of small and medium-sized productive property (not speculative property!) encourages and strengthens the sense of communion, equality and freedom, because it offers the citizen the chance to become  an owner-producer , that is, a truly worthy and free person, whose well-being depends only on himself and on cooperation with his peers.

The effect over time is the wide spread of economic power, the creation of  real wealth, for the benefit of families and communities.

Only small and medium-sized property brings back freedom, the cult of honor and work! Because  it is the only possibility for the common man  to escape slavery and acquire material autonomy safely and with dignity.


In my view,  sovereignism  is the term by which we concretely express, through deeds, our confidence in our ability to rebuild Romania  through ourselves .

Romania needs a sovereignty adapted to the challenges of the 21st century. A sovereignty that categorically rejects chauvinism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism and at the same time resolutely opposes any forms of intimidation.

True sovereignty acts out of love, for the good of those around you.

The good you wish for your country, such as national sovereignty or control over its natural and cultural heritage, must also be the good that other nations benefit from. It is from this position that we must understand relations between nation-states.

When the desire for good aims at the common good, then peace is equivalent to disarmament!

I categorically distance myself from false sovereignisms whose sole and undeclared purpose is to discredit true patriots and sow discord and distrust among Romanians.

In order to eradicate any trace of resentment towards other peoples and ethnic groups, I wish to put sovereignism on a Christian path: the challenges of these times, regardless of their nature, find their solution in our way of being, based on good order and love for our fellow men. That is why the “Food, Water, Energy” Program will be achieved by replacing violent and conflictual relationships with those of  cooperation, mutual assistance and by harmonizing  personal interest with that of the community.


Through this program, a flag is raised – the Flag of Truth, of Love, of Awakening the consciousness of Good and Beauty in all of us! Under its folds, the traditional Romanian spirit will be restored (including economically).

We need to bring the country to the level of a calling  through a grand program that unleashes the energies, enthusiasm, and confidence of the entire nation.

Romania still has real competitive advantages, which will be highlighted by precise measures and directions of action, based on:

  • sustainable (responsible, common sense) valorization and consolidation of existing heritage: natural (superior to many European Union member countries), material, social and human
  • strengthening and guaranteeing the property regime
  • capitalizing small producers and supporting local markets
  • encouraging vocation and creativity by supporting entrepreneurial initiatives
  • strengthening the middle class
  • encouraging and supporting new forms of productive ownership and “grassroots” associative formulas, the engine of creating stable, secure and fairly remunerated jobs
  • clean, whole food production
  • the rebirth of small sustainable communities by reviving the spirit of mutual trust, collaboration and giving
  • education: the man of integrity and the appreciation, valorization and support of finding and expressing one’s vocation
  • cheap and abundant energy production, especially unconventional
  • simple laws and regulations, understandable to all, and dedicated officials to ensure their implementation and compliance
  • resizing the political and administrative system and simplifying the country’s governance system
  • fiscal stability, low taxes and duties
  • the safety and stability of the national currency
  • efficiency: high added value with low resource consumption
  • economic development through good governance, not privatization
  • the national interest that will replace the struggle between left and right
  • cooperation as the new  modus operandi , not only in economics and politics, but in the entire Romanian society
  • attitude: clean and well-groomed country


  • Identifying Romania’s niche in the global competition of the 21st century and rebuilding the country based on this fundamental premise.
  • Strategic rethinking of all economic activities, reindustrialization of the country based on non-polluting technologies and the principles of the sovereign-distributive economy.
  • Reprofessionalizing the country from the ground up, reorganizing vocational schools.
  • Creating secure and well-paid jobs.
  • Restoring the cult of work for pleasure.
  • Implementing a long-term strategy for education, research, innovation, and that is coupled with a demographic strategy, to ensure the perpetuation of the nation in eternity.
  • Ensuring a health system focused on prevention and care for the human being.
  • Obtaining international recognition and respect (also) by organizing debates on major international issues (such as energy or resources) in Bucharest and by attracting the international institutions involved to have headquarters in Romania. In the last 35 years, Romania has experienced a massive withdrawal from history, from any debate on the world’s major challenges, it has been absent from the diplomatic scene.
  • Water, soil and bees.
    Supporting responsible beekeeping and organic agriculture with material means and appropriate legislation.
    Encouraging, developing and supporting communities of organic farmers who respect the values ​​of the land and water, who own land.
    Water  makes a decisive contribution to the health of the people and needs clean lands. Synthetic insecticides and pesticides will be replaced with ecological alternatives, and long-lasting chemicals will be replaced with active substances from nature.
    The country’s rivers  must be transformed into “holy places”, free from household waste and toxic chemical residues; only in this way will they become carriers of life again.
    Saving bees means saving people  – and this is no exaggeration, and the family and school play a critical role in raising awareness of all these directions of action and vital needs.
  • The well-being and health of the Romanian people, whose mental and moral state should be built on fundamental values ​​and needs:
    – Freedom
    – Small property
    – Love of neighbor
    – The joy of doing things for the common good
    – Knowledge and implementation of valuable projects for Romania, primarily those that concern our essential needs: clean food, crystal clear water, cheap and abundant energy, produced, as much as possible, locally.
  • The “Romanian Niche” should become a model to follow  in the Balkans and in Europe, on large and precise themes: education, culture, saving clean lands, forests and rivers, saving bees, clean and quality food, prevention and decongestion in the healthcare system.
  • Recovering natural heritage, protecting Romanians and nature against exploitation, whatever it may be.
  • Efficiency and social affordability  will be basic indicators: the highest possible added value, with the lowest possible consumption of resources. At the same time, we must solve at an accelerated pace some problems that in Western European countries found answers decades ago.
  • Resizing  and adapting the structure and functioning of the political and socio-economic system to the configuration and capacity of the natural, material, social and human capital at our disposal. In the last 35 years, there has been a continuous oversizing of the political and administrative system, suffocated by numerous and contradictory laws and regulations, impossible to apply.
  • Establishing  the strategy of common interest through national consensus , a historic step towards restoring a sovereign economy, above political confrontations and electoral cycles.
  •  Consultative approach . The establishment of intermediate and long-term objectives for Romania’s development will be done through broad consultation of decision-making bodies, with all relevant factors: the business environment, the scientific community, the Church and civil society.
  • Future sectoral and regional programs will take into account  the authentic value of the  existing natural, material, social and human heritage.
  • Natural resources are not privatizable or for sale . There are real premises for Romania to become a European example of rational use and conservation of resources, under conditions of balanced development and continuous increase in the quality of life. The most important premise is man himself: the will to develop and implement viable projects, appropriate to reality.
  • The correlation between the development of different sectors of the economy, between the regions of the country and that of society and the appropriate allocation of available financial resources, depending on priorities.
  • Returning to the roots . The community of people is also defined by historical and cultural events. Through the spirit of love, saints, heroes of the nation, great cultural personalities become living “icons”, opening the qualitatively superior space of true freedom. In this space we are together with all those who throughout time have confessed the Truth, we experience the joy of a new way of existence.
  • Restoring the Christian vision in the economy . The economic side cannot be separated from the social side. In its essence, the “Food, Water, Energy” Program is  Christianity applied to the real economy . A triad that reflects the harmony between God, Man and Nature.


Strengthening the state and re-sovereignization of the person.

Between the citizen and the state, there is an unbridgeable chasm today, and the only encounters take place at the level of dysfunctional bureaucracy, manipulation, ideology, and confrontation.

The current state (servile and unrepresentative of the people) will be replaced with the sovereign state, where meetings between citizens, specialists and the state will take place at the table of Truth, Freedom and Reconstruction, for the benefit of all Romanians.

The resovereignization of the person will be achieved through the restoration and spread of small and medium-sized productive property and peasant households.


The “Food, Water, Energy” program will restore to Romanians prosperity, harmony, dignity and hope for a future of real freedom, lived in safety and peace.

Romania will reach where it deserves, in its place of honor, according to its natural and human potential.

Romanians will have good reasons to love their country and people and to be proud of their past, present, and future.

Note: All objectives listed are equally important, their numbering does not imply a hierarchy of priorities.

  1. Strengthening the fundamental democratic institutions of the state (legislative, executive and judicial authority) and of  the constitutional order  (civil society bodies, written and audiovisual media) A national effort of such scope requires strengthening  the role of the state as a guide and coordinator , but not by increasing the bureaucratic apparatus, but by simplifying it. Every person invested with decision-making power must bear professional and moral and, where appropriate, legal responsibility for his actions. A decisive role in monitoring and controlling the performance of the public office falls to  civil society bodies , which must truly respond to their mission, as well as to  the written and audiovisual media  , which must respect their own ethical norms. We need laws that protect the right to expression, freedom of the press, and the abolition of political correctness.
  2. Participatory economic democracy, state policy A set  of coherently articulated public policies and legislative measures aimed at the creation and development of popular banks, production and distribution cooperatives, enterprises with worker owners, partnership production, a well-developed cadastre. Every person, every family, every community must know that they will be better off and what they must do for it.
  3. An economy of freedom and the common good, through the sovereignist-distributist model Legislative and fiscal measures that will make the transition from an economic system exclusively interested in extractive investments (the extraction until exhaustion of the energies stored in the soil, subsoil, water, plants, animals and people) to an economy of the common good, intended to protect nature, ensure freedom and satisfy people’s needs, through a system of production and wide distribution of the fruits of labor. Small and medium-sized property must be encouraged, protected and supported as a priority. We will not be dealing with a nanny state that will redistribute wealth in an egalitarian manner according to the socialist model, but with  the wide spread of associative forms of productive property  (over land, tools, educational resources) and through easy access to cheap capital.The economic success of sovereign-distributive Romania will be based primarily on:
    – capitalization of small producers
    – support for local markets
    – encouragement and defense of new forms of productive property (for example, popular banks, cooperatives)
    – improvement of corporate governance, micro- and macroeconomic management
    – ​​peasant agriculture, beekeeping, innovative sectors and green industries, as locomotives of sustainable development and health.
    – minimum 51% participation by the state in all that involves exploitation of natural resources on Romanian territory.
  4. Transition, independence and energy security
    Increasing energy efficiency, reducing energy losses. Energy independence does not mean decoupling from imports, but means that Romanians must own and manage their own sources of energy production from biomass/waste, as well as renewable sources (wind, solar).Romania is still an energy-intensive country. Ensuring long-term  sustainability in energy and material consumption  will be based on a realistic assessment of the carrying capacity of natural capital and a significant improvement in resource productivity.The danger for Romania is the lack of true energy security . Corruption and the indiscriminate adoption of “green” policies, dictated by the globalist oligarchy, have created, to date, a situation of permanent energy crisis in Romania. This situation can, however, be radically changed only by implementing the sovereign-distributive model, which presupposes an economy on a human scale.We are still a country with energy resources , which is a great help in economic development and in raising the standard of living of Romanians. Solar and wind energy are supported, but only as additional sources of energy. They are far from being a serious alternative to energy obtained from traditional sources: oil, coal and natural gas.
  5. Modernization of health, education, research and innovation systems The health  of the population is achieved through a comprehensive prevention program, clean food and water charged with the energy of the earth, complemented by outdoor exercise and the well-being and harmony of society as a whole. The Romanian people want purpose and peace. The recovery of  the demographic situation , which tends to become catastrophic, is also a pressing necessity that must be addressed through a national program over several decades.Investment will be made in  vocational training , in arts and crafts schools, in the development of guilds and crafts, in research and innovation, in the application of cutting-edge technologies, and in the consistent promotion of eco-efficiency criteria.Clear options will be adopted for  the professionalization of the workforce.The budget allocated to education, family, and health prevention  will be increased by reducing government spending that will never find its place within the new sovereign-distributive economy.
  6. Moral growth of the young generation Eminescu defined the national interest in 1877:  “The moral growth of the young generation.” Education means increasing each person’s self-awareness, forming character, and not correction, repair, or modeling. The role of school is to develop in the child the desire for knowledge and emotional capacities to motivate him to manifest his vocation.Spiru Haret used to say:  “Invest in school, reap in the economy.”The last chance – and the only one, in fact, that we have in this last hour – is the vocation of the young. We must trust the young and invest everything we have in them and place them in the place they deserve, that is, in the first place!We need role models for young people!  The cultural, professional, craft and peasant elites must be encouraged, so that they can make a decisive contribution to the formation of today’s and tomorrow’s generations!Everything can change by accepting a system that will return to a  national school  built on the foundation of the history, culture and national interests of the Romanians, on perfect patriotism.
  7. Stimulating and developing national capital through firm monetary policies, reducing and rationalizing taxation. The formation of  solid domestic capital , capable of successfully competing in domestic and international markets, will be encouraged and supported. Taxation will move from taxing labor to taxing resource consumption. A network of popular and cooperative banks, credit unions will be created, which will finance the implementation of the sovereign-distributive model, with the priority being to support organic agriculture, based on land conservation.
  1. Economic and social decisions will be made  according to the principle of subsidiarity,  which will replace  bureaucratic-centralizing tendencies. Subsidiarity means that all main decisions regarding the development of localities, counties and historical regions of the country  are taken at the lowest level of administrative organization  that can ensure their feasibility and  efficiency . The active involvement of citizens and communities thus gains importance in evaluating and correcting the performance of local authorities. Simplifying the system will lead to  the reduction of wasted budgetary resources.
  2. Relaunching organic agriculture, ensuring  the country’s food independence It has been said, with full justification, that  food, water, energy and peace  are the essential factors of progress in the 21st century, vital components of national wealth and security. According to the assessment of international experts,  Romania has considerable potential in the first three areas, especially in agriculture, well above the average of European Union states.The agricultural sector will be relaunched, by supporting peasant farming and traditional, organic agriculture, to ensure clean food for the population and implicitly the country’s food independence.Romania must become a European Center of Excellence for organic farming. The agricultural production of peasant households will be organized in modern cooperative forms, in compliance with EU legislation ( no connection with the former communist CAPs ), especially in the field of distribution.The traditional peasant farm and its agricultural production will be supported by the state through  zero-interest loans, product collection centers and markets offered by the state with zero taxes .The reindustrialization of the country will start from the village-city partnership and will be done, first and foremost, according to the agricultural objective pursued. Polluting and inefficient industries will be completely eliminated, as will the systematic destruction, on a colonial model, of the lands.
  1. Conservation and management of natural, material, cultural and human heritage Romania has become a country poor in forests, which explains the serious ecological imbalances and frequent natural disasters in recent times. Overall, the productive and co-protective potential of forests has been reduced, with consequences for the economic and ecological state of our country. The rational management of clean, unpolluted water resources, the protection of forests, the conservation of the environment and biodiversity are essential components of national wealth. It is crucial to protect the soil, to stop the use of synthetic insecticides and pesticides!  Soil  is Romania’s first strategic resource, along with the forest fund, which must increase to at least 34% of the country’s surface. Equally important are the economic and social revitalization of  the mountain area  and  wetlands ; encouraging tourism, especially ecological, balneoclimatic and cultural; improving and diversifying employment in rural areas, including by producing niche, traditional or organic products.Adoption of legislation to protect traditional architectural heritage, both in villages and cities.Natural resources should be exploited for the benefit of Romanians. To this end, it is necessary to create a  Sovereign Fund , funded by royalties and profits resulting from the rational and responsible exploitation of natural resources.Waste  must be considered a resource, not something that can be thrown away. Bucharest produces thousands of tons of household waste per day, which has a potential for 60% recovery for energy production, 30% recycling and 10% recovery of various metals.We need legislation that guarantees the Romanian citizen’s right to sufficient and best quality drinking water, legislation that also ensures  the right to water  to meet hygiene and sanitary requirements at high European standards.  Water is a public good, not a commodity!  Mineral and thermal waters are part of Romania’s natural heritage and cannot be privatized or alienated.Saving bees and supporting beekeeping are a national strategic objective.  Stopping the use of toxic substances in intensive agriculture will come with a better health of the Romanian people, but also with saving bees – with an essential role in pollinating crops and obtaining rich harvests, sufficient to feed our people with quality food.Protection of the family.  At the foundation of Romanian society lies  the Christian family . It is the only structure that can ensure the material and mental stability of the person as well as the demographic balance, the guarantee of the sustainability of Romania’s future.For any responsible government, protecting the traditional family, caring for the younger generation and for the elderly or disadvantaged groups must be at the forefront.Personal security and equal opportunities for the individual.  Personal security and the security of honestly acquired property must be ensured through firm, uncompromising measures.The “privatization” of Romania’s law enforcement institutions will cease.The general public’s trust in the impartiality and independence of the Judiciary, as well as in its immunity to any attempt at political interference, must be regained, and will provide the measure of professionalism and effectiveness in this field.
  2. Peace – a foreign and security policy, constructive on a regional, European and global level Romania will respect its obligations towards the alliances, organizations and partnerships of which it is a part, to the extent that they will respect theirs towards Romania. In this context, our country can and must assume a more consistent role in international affairs, both bilaterally and in the broader international context. The war in Ukraine, the energy and economic-financial crisis have proven, once again, the importance of diversifying foreign relations and preserving traditional markets.The role of Romanian diplomacy  in promoting the country’s economic interests abroad must be substantially strengthened, with the effective participation of the national business environment.Romania is more than a country, it is a civilization!  This is why it must assume in practical action the responsibilities that fall to it in the extended Black Sea area, in the Danube basin and in the Balkan region.Romania must affirm its vocation as a bridge and space for dialogue and complementarity between cultures and  capitalize on the advantages arising from its privileged geographical position,  on the future routes of trade and energy exchanges between the East and West of the Eurasian space. In this context, it is imperative that our country resume  its known activism  within international, governmental and non-governmental organizations.Strengthening the country’s defense capacity is not just a commitment to allies, but a vital requirement of national security, in such a complicated context of international relations.


Romania must know what it wants, and the Romanian people must understand what it can achieve.


1. Predictability of the tax act – for a  business environment and a balanced economy.
2. Single rate of 10%  – for  efficient long-term economic stability.
3. Stimulating wealth acquisition  – to  avoid unnecessary consumption.
4. Education and health, key components  – for a future based on  intelligence and good physical and mental functioning of the entire people .
5. Taxation of 2% on more than €1 million in turnover  – so that taxation is coherent and viable  in terms of collection.
6. Free association of agricultural owners in cooperatives and tax facilities offered by the state to producers  – for an  agriculture that can modernize and develop rapidly.
7. Markets, collection centers and processing and canning industries  – to  capitalize on the potential of local producers.
8. Redirecting EU funds to the small owner  – for  coherent development starting from the source.
9. Minimum 51% state participation  in all natural resource exploitation on Romanian territory  –  so that  the national interest is managed with priority.
10. Reprofessionalization of the country from the ground up, reorganization of trade schools  – because the need for craftsmen in various fields essential for proper functioning has become urgent.
11. Immediate reduction of the state apparatus, by relocating them to the private sector  – because in a technological era like the one we are in, the state also needs to be digitized urgently.


It seems like an impossible answer. But we don’t need to worry about priority. We need to do  everything  thoughtfully and realistically, as quickly and as well as possible.

We are convinced that radical change in the quality of life in Romania can happen quickly and easily.


  • Through order, discipline, clear rules valid for all, few words translated into many, beautiful and useful deeds.
  • Through a government of patriots, incorruptible, that sets a personal example of firmness in applying the directions of development, morality, and sacrifice.

With God ahead, we rebuild Romania!

Source: https://calingeorgescu.ro/program/ , Midtown Tribune

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